

Check if value is null in List Records in Logic App

If we are using List Records (To get a list of records from Dynamics 365) in Logic App, some times we need to check if list returned any value or if its null before we use index 0 or greater … Read More

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add padding in Logic App same as C# String.Format

If you need to add padding and limit it to a certain length in C# substring(concat(‘0000000’,variables(‘MyNumber’)),length(string(variables(‘MyNumber’))),7)Above code will limit it to seven characters length

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Dynamics 365 call workflow from c# (in code)

Let’s suppose you have a requirement to run a workflow on several records, so rather than going through selecting multiple records and running workflows, we can do this by calling workflow in code Below is a sample code where we … Read More

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Integration of Dynamics 365 using Azure Logic Apps

Integrating Dynamics 365 with other systems has always been an interesting topic and we have used different methods to achieve this, either solutions available in the market or custom development however since Microsoft has introduced Logic Apps, things have gone … Read More

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Open Close as Won dialogue with JavaScript on Opportunity

You might come across a requirement where you wan to open Close as Won or Close as Lost dialogue when user gets to last stage of business process flow on Opportunity form. Out of the box button (‘Close as Won’) … Read More

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Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ‘’

Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ‘ttps://’ This error comes when running a sample code from Microsoft, in my case I was testing ‘DK\SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\DataImport’ from Sample code but you might come across same error if running ant other … Read More

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CRM 4.0 codename field on Campaign entity

I tried updating codename field’s value on campaign entity in MS Dynamics CRM 4 however it did not save value for codename but was saving everything else. Tried both in C# and on form (readonly, changed css) but in both … Read More

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CRM Javascript load SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed. Returned hr

You might come across a weird type of error on load event (or anywhere else) if you are trying to read data from a different entity. “SecLib::AccessCheckEx failed. Returned hr = -2147187962, ObjectID: 86369f24-cc3d-e111-82bf-0050569d003d, OwningUser: 803962ed-8a92-e011-a5bc-0050569d0012 and CallingUser: 42e9d69c-a865-e411-bd98-005056aa4d5a” This … Read More

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CRM 4 Javascript Error: A currency is required if a value exists in a money field

How to use money type of attribute as a lookup in CRM 4.0 Sometimes we need to load a value in an attribute of type money on CRM form using JavasScript Usually we can use script below to assign values … Read More

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How to create a new plugin in MS Dynamics CRM 4.0

How to create a plugin in MS CRM 4 and deploy In this tutorial we will be using MS Visual Studio 2013 to create a plugin using C# and deploy it to CRM 4. We want create a plugin which … Read More

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