Logic Apps

Logic Apps For Each loop getting attribute value

Let’s say we have a logic app which gets some data in JSON and some of the data is in array{“Name”: “TestAPP”,”Detectors”: [{“@objectType”: “Detector”,”Name”: “”,”DetectorType”: {“@objectType”: “DetectorType”,”Name”: “Smoke”},”DetectorExpiryDate”: “2024-10-14T10:36:00″,”DetectorResults”: {“@objectType”: “PassFail”,”Name”: “Pass”},”DetectorLocation”: {“@objectType”: “Position”,”Name”: “Hall”}}]} In this example we have … Read More

Deploy Azure function from Visual Studio and connect to Dynamic 365/CRM

Today we are going to create a Logic App to pass some sample JSON data, do some basic steps in it, call Azure function from Logic App, connect to Dynamics 365 in azure function, create or update records in Dynamics … Read More

Logic App read content of a file from Azure Blob storage to save on FTP or One Drive

Let’s say we have a azure blob storage URL and we want to download contents of the file and store it somewhere, for example we could get a blob URL from a public or client environment and we want to … Read More

Logic App using Liquid template to transform JSON

In this example, we are going to use Liquid template to transform our JSON input. Let’s say we have a requirement where we get data in JSON format and we need to amend JSON before we could pass it to … Read More

Logic Apps have made developers’s life easy

If you are working in Dynamics 365 then most probably you have used or at least have heard about logic apps. We had an urgent requirement where needed to read some data from a CSV file, then send it third … Read More

Check if value is null in List Records in Logic App

If we are using List Records (To get a list of records from Dynamics 365) in Logic App, some times we need to check if list returned any value or if its null before we use index 0 or greater … Read More

add padding in Logic App same as C# String.Format

If you need to add padding and limit it to a certain length in C# substring(concat(‘0000000’,variables(‘MyNumber’)),length(string(variables(‘MyNumber’))),7)Above code will limit it to seven characters length

Integration of Dynamics 365 using Azure Logic Apps

Integrating Dynamics 365 with other systems has always been an interesting topic and we have used different methods to achieve this, either solutions available in the market or custom development however since Microsoft has introduced Logic Apps, things have gone … Read More

Logic App Expand on multiple entities in Dynamics 365

As we know we can only get one entity back if we are using  Get record connector to query Dynamics 365 in Logic App however if we use List records to get a number of records or filter it on the basis … Read More

Azure Logic App – Check if List Records is not null

Below is a query to check if List Records in Dynamics 365 in Azure Logic App contains some data and is not nulllength(body(‘List_accounts’)?[‘value’])