javascript in CRM

Hiding empty section on form in CRM 4.0

To hide a section where it has one or more attributes in it we can sue javascript code below to hide section = “none”; However in case where we have a section which is being used only to display … Read More

Date time format issue in CRM 2015 when using oData SDK.JQuery.retrieveRecordSync

When retrieving data in CRM using JQuery datetime comes back in int format with some back/forward slash. Below is sample script how to remove back clash and forward slash and then covert to proper date time. Once converted we can compare … Read More

Date format issue in CRM using JavaScript

Sometimes it isn’t easy to deal with Date format and comparing a date in JavaScript in MS Dynamics CRM.Below is a simple function which takes a UTC date and then return back into a date only in formate YYYYMMDD.In case … Read More

Filter Look Up on Contact on Account basis where account is parent or contact is primary contact on account

In this scenario, I have a requirement where I user wants to select Account on Opportunity entity On selection of account user only wants to see those Contacts which are child records of selected account or a contact which is primary contact … Read More