CRM 2011 get List of all Organizations and get url from organization details collection

CRM 2011 get List of all Organizations and get url from organization details collectionHow to get URL from list of organisations when getting data back from OrganizationDetailCollection Method to get list of OrganizationDetailCollectionpublic static OrganizationDetailCollection GetOrganizations(){string url = CrmServerConnection.GetMSCRMServerUrl(); if … Read More

fiddler not capturing local web service calls

Why fiddler not capturing local web service calls in WCF? As always, new environment new machine and Windows 7… Tried testing and calling a WCF service, hosting on Visual Studio 2012 web server and could not catch traffic in Fiddler. … Read More

Creating a WCF service to use with CRM HTML web resource

In this example we are going to create a WCF service which will be later consumed using HTML web resource (AJAX call) in CRM 2015/2013. First we need to create a simple Class library project in Visual Studio 2013. Give … Read More

CRM Call WCF Service in HTML Web Resource using AJAX

Recently I have worked on arequirement where I had to write a service which was going to be used by different clients and had to call same service using HTML web resource in CRM 2015.To achieve this first of all … Read More

wcf service wsdl domain name

When creating a new WCF and hosting locally or dev/prod server you might come across an issue where WSDL will display a URL with computer/local name which is different to URL of service Fro example actual URL might be And … Read More