
Difference between Power Apps Portals and Power Pages

Microsoft Power Platform family and now Power Pages (Portals). Let’s talk about history of Portals in Dynamics 365. Initially it was Adxstudio which was a company based in Canada who created a portal (using ASP.NET/C#) and users were able to … Read More

Getting started with power apps portal and power pages

How to get started with new Power Pages If you are looking to create a new Power pages then you are at the right place. First thing, you need to go to following URL to get started (make sure you … Read More

Hiding empty section on form in CRM 4.0

To hide a section where it has one or more attributes in it we can sue javascript code below to hide section = “none”; However in case where we have a section which is being used only to display … Read More

Sample unit testing with XRM Test Framework CRM 2015

I have been using Microsoft Fakes for CRM unit testing which was good however recently came across xrm unit testing framework developed by Wael Hamze and Ramon Tebar which makes life much easier when comes to unit testing. You can write fake … Read More

Unit Testing MS Dynamics CRM 2015 Plugins with Xrm Test Framework

 started a new Plugins project from scratch and wanted to add a unit test project using Xrm test framework by following instructions from the link below Create Plugin unit test Added all code as described in documentation above… Created fake … Read More

How to include external references in Plugins and Workflow Activity in CRM

Could not load file or assembly ‘ABCD.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a6a250603368f7aa’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.’ An error when try to run a workflow or a plugin in Dynamics CRM. This usually happens when … Read More

Using Azure function with webhooks and updating Dynamics 365

We have a scenario where we want to call a third party API on update of a field on account entity in Dynamics 365, send some data to that API, then update Dynamics. To achieve above we will be using azure … Read More

Logic Apps For Each loop getting attribute value

Let’s say we have a logic app which gets some data in JSON and some of the data is in array{“Name”: “TestAPP”,”Detectors”: [{“@objectType”: “Detector”,”Name”: “”,”DetectorType”: {“@objectType”: “DetectorType”,”Name”: “Smoke”},”DetectorExpiryDate”: “2024-10-14T10:36:00″,”DetectorResults”: {“@objectType”: “PassFail”,”Name”: “Pass”},”DetectorLocation”: {“@objectType”: “Position”,”Name”: “Hall”}}]} In this example we have … Read More

Deploy Azure function from Visual Studio and connect to Dynamic 365/CRM

Today we are going to create a Logic App to pass some sample JSON data, do some basic steps in it, call Azure function from Logic App, connect to Dynamics 365 in azure function, create or update records in Dynamics … Read More

Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ‘’

Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: ‘ttps://’ This error comes when running a sample code from Microsoft, in my case I was testing ‘DK\SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\DataImport’ from Sample code but you might come across same error if running ant other … Read More